Enrollment Opens Again January 2023

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Transforming. Healing. Empowering.

The Beyond the Budget Program is a holistic approach to financial wellness designed to support and empower you to heal, transform, and take ownership of your finances and relationship with money. It goes beyond traditional budget planning and into your earliest programming to help you shift your mindset, beliefs, and behaviors. The counter-intuitive process begins with self-discovery and journeys through reprogramming, learning, planning, and accountability. It is a safe space for discovery, healing, and transformation.

Are You Ready To Go Beyond?

If you are ready to disrupt the cycle you're in, heal your relationship with money, and gain financial freedom, this program is for YOU!! Over the course of 6-weeks, you will cultivate self-awareness, consciously reprogram your spending mindset, gain financial tools, and develop a personalized plan to meet your financial goals!

Program Overview

Take A Look Inside the Program

  • 1

    Welcome to the Program!

    • Welcome!

    • How to Navigate Your Online Program

    • Instructor Contact Info

    • Before We Begin...

  • 2

    Getting Ready for the Program

    • What's Your Spending & Saving Mindset?

    • Mindset Quiz

    • Your Money Story Worksheet

    • Introduction Video: Understanding Your Mindset

  • 3

    Module 1: Revelations & Hard Truths

    • Your Needs & Beliefs Survey

    • Lesson 1: What Does Your Spending Reveal? | Live Lesson: Sat, Apr 17 @ 11:00 AM EDT

    • Assignment 1: Track For A Week

  • 4

    Module 2: Activating Awareness

    • Survey: Financial Fitness

    • Lesson 2: Inserting the Pause & Getting Into Alignment

    • Assignment 2: Disrupting the Cycle | Inserting the Pause | Creating a Value System

  • 5

    Module 3: Manifesting In Real Life

    • Survey: What Are Your Intentions?

    • Lesson 3: Developing A Goal System

    • Assignment 3: Find the Bleeding

  • 6

    Module 4: Preparing Yourself

    • Survey: How Credible Are You?

    • Bonus Video: Budget Strategy | Offense & Defense

    • Lesson 4: Building Credit & A Budget | Live Lesson Sat, May 08 @ 11:00 AM EDT

    • Assignment 4: Budget Building

  • 7

    Module 5: Taking Ownership

    • Survey: How Invested Are You?

    • Lesson 5: Ownership & Investing

    • Assignment 5: Goal Setting

  • 8

    Module 6: The Work

    • Survey: What Are You Willing To Commit To?

    • Lesson 6: Accountability System

    • Assignment 6: Create Your System

  • 9

    Next steps

    • Closing Session: Course Recap & Next Steps | Live Meeting Sat, May 22 @ 11:00 AM EDT

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Perks & Bonuses

To Support You On Your Journey

  • Bonus Budget Strategy Video

  • Free 1:1 30-minute Consulting Session

  • 1 Year Access to Program Content

Are You Ready To Go Beyond?

Make an investment your future self will thank you for!


MBA + Founder, Unapologetically Authentic

Ashley Bachelor

Hello and Welcome! I'm Ashley Bachelor, founder of Unapologetically Authentic, a wellness community centered in discovering your authentic self. I've combined my over a decade-long professional experience and personal wellness journey to create the Beyond the Budget program. My goal is to help you transform your emotional relationship with money and gain the financial freedom that allows you to live life on your own terms.

Banker + Financial Literacy Specialist

Jessica Hill

Hi! I’m Jessica Hill, Sales and Services Manager for the Republic Bank Foundation YMCA. With over 15 years of retail banking experience, I am passionate about servicing the community. I have made it my mission to help clients of the community understand the importance of financial freedom. I encourage everyone to save and invest in their future, and I can’t wait to support you on your journey!

MBA + Founder, Hat Rack Business Solutions

Bethany Witten

Hi! I’m Bethany Witten, founder of Hat Rack Business Solutions. One of the great joys in my life is helping others bring clarity to their finances. After over a decade working and seeking specialized training in small business management, I launched my company to bring this financial clarity and peace to others with intention. By helping our clients know their numbers, we enable them to use their business to fuel their ideal life - and the same principles can work for you and your personal finances! I am so excited to see the big things that we can accomplish together.

Enrollment Closed

We will miss you! Join us in the next round!

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